Feeding Wild Birds is an activity enjoyed by many Australians. While it is great to have a connection with local wildlife, feeding wild birds and animals comes with responsibilities as it has an...
Coarse, grain based mix for the large parrot types.
Made from Wheat, Grey Stripe Sunflower, Oats, Cracked Corn, Sorghum, White French Millet and/or Safflower.
Top Breeders recommend this blend for all types of parrots from neophemas to cockatoos.
Made from White French Millet, Canaryseed, Grey Stripe Sunflower, Hulled Oats and/or Safflower.
Avigrain Budgie mix is a blend of millets and canary seed suited for the base diet of budgies.
Made from White French Millet, Canaryseed, Panorama Millet, Panicum Millet, Japanese Millet, Shirohie...