

  • Seachem Clarity 500Ml

    Seachem Clarity 500Ml


    Clarity™ is the ultimate clarifier for both fresh and saltwater. It employs an advanced polymeric flocculating agent that is both reef and plant safe. Clarity™ is the only clarifier on the market that does it all! Clarity™ will clear...
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    Seachem De-Nitrate 500Ml

    Seachem De-Nitrate 500Ml


    de❊nitrate™ is an economical, natural, porous material with a pore distribution and geometry that promotes both aerobic nitrification within the first few millimeters of depth and anaerobic denitrification at the core. The material has a high...
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    Seachem Zeolite 250Ml

    Seachem Zeolite 250Ml


    Seachem Zeolite™ is a naturally occurring, highly-porous mineral that binds ammonia and heavy metals through an ion exchange mechanism. It has the highest ammonia binding capacity of any available zeolite; ten times higher than some products...
  • Seachem Matrix 500Ml

    Seachem Matrix 500Ml


    Matrix™ is a high porosity biomedia that provides efficient biofiltration for the removal of nitrogenous waste. Matrix™ is a porous inorganic solid about 10 mm in diameter. Each liter of Matrix™ provides as much surface (>~700 m2) as...
  • Seachem Matrix Carbon 1L

    Seachem Matrix Carbon 1L


    MatrixCarbon™ is a truly unique activated carbon. It is formed as a spherical bead for optimum hydrodynamics, and will not pack. It permits maximum water flow and contact with its high density of macroporous binding sites. MatrixCarbon™ has a...
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    Seachem Alkaline Regulator 500G

    Seachem Alkaline Regulator 500G


    Alkaline Regulator™ adjusts pH to the alkaline range (7.1–7.6) and supports the establishment of the optimal environment for all alkaline acclimated species (e.g. bosemani, various other rainbows etc.). For further freshwater environment...
  • Seachem Seagel 250Ml

    Seachem Seagel 250Ml


    SeaGel™ is a blend of MatrixCarbon™ and PhosGuard™ and is is optimized specifically for aquaria where organic color body and acid removal is required without the introduction of phosphate. MatrixCarbon™ is an...
  • Seachem Pristine 250Ml

    Seachem Pristine 250Ml


    Pristine™ uses bio-augmentation, a non-chemical and natural method, to improve water quality. It provides bacteria that break down excess food, waste and detritus in freshwater and marine systems. It will also reduce excess nutrients (e.g. ammonia,...
  • Seachem Flourish Nitrogen 100Ml

    Seachem Flourish Nitrogen 100Ml


    Nitrogen is one of the main three macro nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium: NPK) required by plants and can often become the limiting factor to growth in a flourishing system. Flourish Nitrogen™ is a concentrated (15,000 mg/L) blend of...
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    Seachem Flourish Tabs 10Pk

    Seachem Flourish Tabs 10Pk


    Flourish Tabs™ are growth stimulating tablets for plant roots. They contain essential trace elements, amino acids, and vitamins. They are rich in iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, potassium, inositol, choline B12, biotin, and other factors that...
  • Seachem Flourish Iron 100Ml

    Seachem Flourish Iron 100Ml


    Iron is immobile in plants. This means that plants cannot divert iron from older leaves to new ones. Therefore, deficiency symptoms appear first on new or young leaves. Because plants use iron to produce chlorophyll, a lack of iron results in chlorosis,...
  • Seachem Flourish Excel 250Ml

    Seachem Flourish Excel 250Ml


    Flourish Excel™ is a source of bioavailable organic carbon. All plants require a source of carbon. This is typically obtained from CO2, but, may also be derived from simple organic compounds (such as photosynthetic intermediates). The use of either...